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Supported Wallet List

The Hovi platform is compatible with several trusted wallets, allowing seamless integration for self-sovereign identity management. These wallets support the receiving, storing, verification, and management of digital credentials on both Android and iOS devices.

Below is a list of Hovi-compatible mobile wallets, organized by ecosystem:

No.EcosystemSupported WalletsPlatform
1OpenIDParadymAndroid, iOS
Hovi WalletAndroid, iOS
2Privado.IDPolygon ID WalletAndroid, iOS
Hovi WalletAndroid, iOS
Privado ID WalletAndroid, iOS
3CheqdHovi WalletAndroid, iOS
4IndicoBC WalletAndroid, iOS
ADEYA SSI WalletAndroid, iOS
Hovi WalletAndroid, iOS